Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Beyond the Walls of Intelligence....

You know the scene in Stand By Me where an older version of Gordy looks at his computer and says, "I'll never have friends like I did when I was twelve," and turns off his computer to go outside and play with his kids? Sometimes when I reflect on my senior year I feel like Gordy.

Mark Twain once said that a person should never let school get in the way of their education. Well Mark, I certainly took what you said to heart because while I did recieve good grades that year, the effort was focused in the walls outside of education. Yes, I partied. A lot. Probably too much.

But the question here is do I regret it? And the answer is simple; not the slightest. I can't think of how many lessons I learned that year outside of school from the people that I no longer refer to as friends, but rather as my family. In between all the breaths of smoke, swallows of alcohol, and girls who were out to 'screw us over' the connections made are some of the most strong I think that have ever existed on this planet. Or at least in the suburbs of the Garden State.

In middle school I was the quiet composed kid; nobody ever knew what was going on in my head, whether I was truly sad or happy, or if something was up my ass that specific day. But by the time I walked out of the highschool for the final time, there were people who knew exactly what was on my mind, exactly what was bothering me, or exactly what I was anticipating with excitement. I guess it's true; friends listen to what you say but real friends listen to what you're not saying. Whether we were running from the cops or trying to protect someone from an exgirlfriend who has the cops and world out to bring you down (that's not specific is it?) or make ammends with someone who had damaged one of us, we were a family and we did everything together.

Looking back I probably could have gone to Notre Dame instead of Providence if I tried harder. I also probably could have been a much better athlete. Regrets will always surround you, but when you live like I was lucky enough to they're overshadowed. If anyone ever stumbles across this meaningless blog that I practice writing on learn this from these words. "Beyond the walls of intelligence life is defined." When I used to listen to Illmatic in the car or on the iPod I didn't really know what Nas meant; just assumed it was about robbing people and shit. But it's not. There is more to life than being the best, getting the best grades, being ranked all-conference, making money, and getting laid. Although these are terrific things, I wouldn't trade the bonds I made for any of them.

To all the kids out there, live your life and love it. Be happy being you. Do what you want with who you want. I'm not anyone special; I just have people who will have my back no matter how wrong I am or how much trouble I get in. That is the deffinition of happiness to me. And I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Unless you can hook me up with Rihanna. I'd really wanna do some shit with her.

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